Grateful Moments

I have been writing “Morning Pages” diligently for many years. This morning practice of emptying, without filter, on pages of a cheap spiral notebook, have been one of the many lifelines in my adult journey of living and relating.
It is a time of unfurling for me…some days not much comes through and other days words come through me that I did not even know were in there. This practice has morphed as I have evolved and even on those days when not much is coming through, I know that it is helping me clear the channels within me opening me up to new perspectives. It is a steady, trusted, supportive and non-judgmental friend and a time of my morning that I hold dear and with tremendous value.
Years ago, in the thick of COVID times, I started out my pages with gratitude. As I was navigating this impactful time homeschooling a special needs new middle schooler, re-inventing my business to be more viable for the extreme virtual needs that were present, keeping a roof over our heads and food in the fridge, taking care of myself in any way that I could…these moments of gratitude were deeply impactful.
With the density of the world around me, remembering the simple moments of gratitude kept me afloat and have continued to have ripple effects on my being now.
Cultivating the practice of gratitude for the moments of our lives, the most basic of needs being met, and the little, everyday blessings we experience is transformational and can truly shift the entire trajectory of our existence.
There is plenty that we *could* focus on around us that is dark, disturbing, disheartening, painful, fear-ridden, and deeply upsetting. This is not to turn a blind eye to all that is unfolding in the world at large, yet an invitation to shift in your own life, perspective, and awareness while simultaneously holding the magnitude of it all in our hearts.

To take ownership and responsibility for who we are, how we show up, raise children, and relate so as to have impact in the micro-moments of life.
When we choose to focus on the grateful moments, no matter how small they may seem, it provides the platform for a grand shift in consciousness.
We can bring this practice into our relations, our interactions, our life opportunities, our dreams and visions and goals, and can enrich how we show up for this precious life we have been given.
We can be active participants in changing our neuropathways and tapping into the science and truth of neuroplasticity in a practical and tangible way.  
So, I offer you today, for this week ahead, an opportunity to shift your focus to grateful moments in your life. See and feel into how this shift in focus alters everything…on perhaps subtle levels but also in more monumental ways.

Some of my grateful moments as of late have included:

  • A warm, cozy bed

  • Connection with my teenager in which we were lost in laughter

  • Sitting down for a meal as a family and talking

  • Sunshine on my face

  • Longer days

  • Time in the trees

  • A quiet home

  • Witnessing a client take steps forward on their own behalf

  • My teenager willingly helping with dinner cleanup

  • Uninterrupted conversation with my partner

  • The taste of delicious food

  • A good night’s sleep

  • Snowfall outside and fires in the fireplace

What’s on your list of grateful moments? 

I invite you to spend some time everyday and write down even a few moments in your life that you feel genuine gratitude for. Allow it to build and become a lifeline for you and see what transforms in your world. 
As always, I love hearing from you and am here for connection and support.

Please reach out anytime! Here is a link to set up a 20-minute Zoom/phone connect time.


You Be You


Acceptance in Relationship