We can’t grow without discomfort…

Happy official Spring to all of you here in the Northern Hemisphere! A refreshing shift in energy without a doubt….the birds seem to be singing louder (I could even hear them in midst of our epic dump of snow last week!) and the levity of the collective is palpable.
In midst of this transition and pivot, we are certainly being propelled through some major portals of change.

Whew! Has anyone else been feeling the discomfort of change and growth in themselves in the past few weeks? Yes, we have collectively been in this churning of evolution that has been very uncomfortable for many years, yet, this feels different to me. This feels more internal, and as though we are being completely re-organized from the inside out.
In midst of the external changes and transformation that our earth and environment are undergoing, we, too, are changing. For many, this is a time ofin-between, of uncertainty, of lack of clarity…yet, the changes are stirring from deep within our bodies and hearts. We know that there are big changes on the horizon.
As we know with any change process, there is discomfort. We cannot grow without discomfort.
In recognizing the theme of the Spring…rebirthing, we can look at it as though we are coming through the birth canal and being pushed and pulled and challenged and brought to our knees and taken to our edge…it is emotional and painful as we begin to poke our heads out into the light.
This process is humbling, enlightening, inspiring, exciting and incredibly uncomfortable in moments. In midst of the discomfort, there feels to be a fire lit in so many to rise up in themselves, stand tall in who they are, and move through life from a place of integrity and aligned truth.

That what feels to be crystal clear is that, I believe, each of us are being given the message, loud and clear, that things cannot stay the same. That we cannot stay the same. That change is essential and even if we don’t know exactly the clear direction we are moving in, we know for certain that we are moving in a different, perhaps foreign and scary, but an essentially new direction.
We are, as individuals, embarking on a profound journey of transformation.
So, how do we stay in the discomfort of change without abandoning ourselves? Without numbing or distracting ourselves? Without turning the discomfort on ourselves? On others?
How can we stay in the fire of change and connected to ourselves while the swirls of discomfort marinate in us? How can we remain intact with who we are at every pivot, speed bump, detour that we may encounter along the road to change? How can we stay upright in our evolving selves without losing the momentum?

How can we access the wisdom, information, and insights that are coming through us during this time of transition and of rebirth without bypassing and trying to propel ourselves forward disjointed and disconnected? What do we need to do in order to tap into our intuition and trust the universe and divine intervention?

How can we continuously get out of our heads and drop down into our bodies and allow the information to emerge rather than trying to force it?
LOTS of big, important questions as we collectively make this pivot in seasons and, as individuals, navigate uncomfortable, yet essential internal shifts and changes.
Some messages that have been coming through me in this dance of rebirthing, which I shared on Instagram  the other day, that I would love to share with you are:

  • You do not need to be anywhere other than exactly where you are.

  • You can take back your power by speaking your truth.

  • Do not suppress your feelings and emotions as it causes so much harm to your body, heart, mind, and spirit.

  • Stand in your truth. Be fierce and clear. And, do no harm.

  • You have a right to have a voice.

  • You always have choice as to how you are going to meet yourself and any situation that comes your way.

  • You have a right to be exactly who you are. Do not let other’s opinions and judgments of you take you off course.

  • Believe in yourself and your mission.

  • Stay steady, stay clear, stay soft yet fierce, stay humble, stay kind, stay compassionate, stay loving, stay in integrity with who you are.

  • Trust your process.


Wishing you all a beautiful and connected beginning to this season of Spring.
May you find balance in your rebirth process and trust in the unfolding of your precious life.

If you are seeking guidance and support along your path, I am here.
Please reach out anytime! 

**Looking for more inspiration for this wild human path of life? All of my past blogs, diving into various subjects, live HERE.


Calm in the Eye of the Storm


The Emergence of Spring