Being a Good Human

This message to you all has taken on several titles and themes in the past few days….it could say: Clearing the Fog, Change is in the Air, Trust Your Path and Process, etc. etc. What I landed on is this simple, yet powerful call to action in midst of many swirling themes on many different fronts of this human life we are living….BEING A GOOD HUMAN.
This past weekend, I was sitting with my partner, Michael, processing and digesting some business-related pieces of the puzzle. As so many are, I too,  am deep in a time of inquiry around how best to use my time and energy, how I want to show up in the world on both a personal and professional level, what impact I want to have, and what my next steps are on many levels.
For me, I am constantly looking at what effect do I want to create during this precious life that I have been given, this call being magnified after a brush with death nearly 7 years ago.

How can I best be of support, service, and inspiration to others sharing and offering the tools and resources and practices that I have embodied in these decades of exploration? And, how can I continuously show up in the way that I want to for others and my work while also preserving myself, my energy, my health and well-being, and the ease and beauty of my family life?
As we shared much conversation around all of this, the essence of what I came to in myself is that I want to help people. I want to help alleviate the suffering of any human that is ready and willing and able to do the work.

I always say if my words and sharing touch one person in any given moment, then I feel successful. If even one human feels inspired to take action on their own behalf to create new pathways of living, being, relating, and existing on the whole, then I am having the impact that I am wanting to have….that I am passionate about, committed tomotivated by, and determined to have.
And, for me, I just want to be a good human spreading goodness in this crazy, broken world.
I want to help people feel less alone on their journey.
I want to humanize the human experience.
I want to break down the barriers of our humanity and be fucking real with each other.

There are way too many people living in isolation and struggling in themselves….feeling as though they are alone on their journey. If I can have one of my fellow humans feel less alone and receive the reflection back to them that there is nothing wrong with them…they are human and beautiful and amazing and resilient and strong and powerful…then I will have the impact that I desire and intend.

This not only means in my office or at a retreat or event...this means during the mundane tasks of life...making eye contact with strangers, offering a smile and conversation to the checker at the grocery store, driving my car through traffic while staying calm and kind, dipping into a well of patience with my teenager, navigating life stressors without taking them out on loved ones, etc. What the world needs now, more than ever, is connection, genuinenessvulnerability, and those whom are choosing to move through life leading with their hearts. 
I will always, for as long as I am gifted with breath and a beating heart, vow to meet each day to the best of my ability, connect with deep authenticity, and be of support in any way that I can to do my part in this wild and crazy human journey that we are collectively embarking on. Will you join me in this vow? What impact do you want to have today? This next week or month?  In your lifetime? 

As I continuously morph, change, ground, acclimate, and embody all that I know and am learning and am stepping into, so too will be my output, as we are not machines. I am considering circulating my blog on some alternative platforms and am determined to have my first draft of my first book written by my 50th birthday in 6 months.  Stay tuned! 
{I wrote a short piece about this path of being a woman entrepreneur on IG, which, to me, can be relatable for all women whom are striving to SHOW UP every day juggling all of the balls in the air and creating impact on the world at large…one moment at a time. Have a read and do let me know if you feel resonance!}

As we all, in our own way, sift through the fog of these times, change on a cellular level, and reorganize our systems from the depths of who we are, may you find some solace in what I am offering on any level that you are needing.

May you remember that you are not alone.
May you open to new possibilities within your own healing self.
May you seek help, support, and guidance when you are ready.
And, may we all do our part to be good humans during this wild, heart-wrenching, exceptional time of being alive.

As always, I am out here for support and connection. I truly love hearing from you!


Staying Upright in Life