Staying Upright in Life

Today’s message felt appropriate as we come to the end of the always interesting time of Mercury Retrograde (the planet of communication and technology, which loves to create obstacles on this human path…) and in the energy of today’s Full Moon in Scorpio, which is all about completions, transformation, tapping into your purpose with authenticity, and could be potentially drudging up old wounds and patterns and emotions.

If you are feeling raw, you are not alone.
To me, it is always an opportunity to look deeper into who we are, how we are living and relating, and where, perhaps we need to nudge (or thrust!) ourselves into a new pattern and way of growing and healing.
This past Friday we just completed another round of the sacred, virtual, women’s circle (the Acceptance Circle), that has been running for the past 3.5 years. This circle  began during the wild COVID times and has been a lifeline for so many.
For our closing, as the circle is now on pause until August, I asked the women to share what they have gleaned from our time together. Across the board, a prevalent theme was around how they have gained the capacity to remain upright in themselves, no matter what life waves are crashing around them.
This, to me, is what it is all about.
Life will always have waves and challenges but how can we meet them upright in ourselves and connected, rather than curling up in a ball and hoping (and praying!) that the storm will pass?
{My blog post from a few weeks ago touched on this theme as well around cultivating that calm in the eye of the storm, if you missed it.}
It was interesting for me as then that evening I was presented with a life challenge involving my exploratory, social butterfly teenager. I needed to put my practices into action while navigating these waters (which I did and then was able to remain in that upright place for the hours and days that followed, really setting the tone for my approach towards my son and the entire unfolding).
The reality is that life will continuously offer us opportunities to grow, heal, expand, step forward, advocate, empower, fumble, be messy and fuck up, and come into alignment and integrity with our ever-evolving selves.

We *always* have the opportunity to do whatever we need to to remain upright in midst of the storms of life.
Finding your way into practices that anchor you, connections that support and nurture your growth and evolution, and an unwavering belief in WHO YOU ARE and your ability to meet whatever life presents to you, is a profoundly empowering way of living.
I hope that this message feeds something in you as you navigate your days ahead. As always, if you are struggling and/or are ready to dive into some deep, sustainable, and unearthing personal work, I would be honored to be of support.

Let's connect! 


Being a Good Human


Connection and Community