Finding the Light in the Darkness

As we are building to the Winter Solstice the darkest day of the year, just a week away, the darkness is looming. We are experiencing the shortening of daylight as well as the extreme strife and darkness on a global level.
We are being called inward.

Into our homes...deeper into our relationships...into next level connection with our own hearts. I know every single human on the planet right now is feeling the heaviness in one way or another. Some on a more personal and intimate level, others as empathic humans, and many in our overall connection to the whole.
How can we continuously live in and access the light? How can we cultivate moments of levity, beauty, and joy in our lives as the world gets darker? What messages and impulses are popping up for you in these darker days?
It feels more important than ever to recognize the simple moments of connection, of joy, of pleasure in life. There is no question that the world is heavy right now. The collective is being churned on such deep, dark levels. As the outer darkness looms, many can find themselves buried in the inner darkness as well.
I am being reminded to find gratitude and appreciation in the simple, often fleeting moments. Those moments where I feel grounded in connection to my family, I feel joy beating out of my heart, and hope for humanity and this extreme contention that is alive in these times.
Yet, what I am getting loud and clear is that we can’t wait for the perfect moment to feel this, that the darkness can easily prevail. We have to create them, tap into them, and be open to how they may look and feel (and it may not be what you would imagine them to be!).
That we must generate these moments in the crevices of the darkness.

To me, this begins with us as individuals….our connection to ourselves, our relationship with our bodies, and the intimacy that we have to our own hearts.
When we are in a state of angst and disconnection and misalignment with ourselves, it becomes very challenging to meet others from a place of compassion, kindness, care, and love.
I believe that we are being thrust into the fire of transformation. Somehow, someway, and in our own unique way, we must find the light in the deep darkness, to embrace the darker moments, yet, simultaneously to learn how to stay awake and steady in ourselves in midst of the chaos, upheaval, pain, and separation that is in the mix.
That cultivating the capacity to tap into the light in moments of darkness is a superpower in so many ways and is needed more than ever.

This, by no means, is discounting the massiveness of what is unfolding, but rather is an opportunity, lesson, teaching, and deep medicine to learn how to access the light in the dark.
That we can choose to savor the gems within the rubble of darkness, of struggle, of challenge.
To focus on the light in midst of the dark while simultaneously holding the magnitude of it all close to our hearts.
In this next week ahead….the pivot towards the darkness of Winter, while also the transition back towards the light….What can you do to create those moments of levity, connection, pleasure, and joy in the crevices of the density? What feels as though it needs to be released as we make this transition back towards the light? How can you personally hold the polarities in your own heart while simultaneously choosing to honor the darkness and find the light in micro-moments of your life?
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.
Stay close to yourselves, pull in your energy, connect with consciousness and mindfulness, and trust in this wild path of unfolding that we are collectively on.


There is truly so much power in believing that everything will, indeed, work out.

Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other. 

As always, I am out here in support.
Reach out anytime!


Holidays, Addiction, and Embodiment


To End Well