Connection and Community

Recently, I was a guest on Actually, Ashley… a LinkedIn LIVE interview series with founders, entrepreneurs, and creatives hosted by Ashley Dodge. We talked about writing, dancing, being human, coaching women willing to do the work, and creating beautiful spaces for community and connection. Please check it out!

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Ashley Dodge: What are some skills that might be misunderstood/under appreciated in your industry? 

Alison Rothman: I struggle with people in my industry claiming to be an “expert” in health, in wellness, in embodiment, etc. as I believe that the healing journey is so personal and we are, I believe, the expert of our own bodies. What works for one person may not work for another. We also only know what we know and what we have experienced ourselves. We can study many different realms of health, wellness, and embodiment but at the end of the day, I believe our authentic offerings come from what we navigate in our lives, how we navigate them, and what tools, practices, resources, connections, etc. that we glean during these times. I believe that our greatest medicine to offer the world comes from our pain and challenges in life. We can say that we specialize in certain areas but to claim to be an expert in someone else’s health feels untrue and misaligned.

AD: What are you saying YES to lately? And NO?

AR: Saying YES big time to being more visible (not easy for me)….to sharing myself in many different ways and in trusting my journey and process professionally. I am also saying YES to relationship/partnership in a way that I have not been able to in the past. Perhaps it’s my age or the timing or where I am in my own personal development, but relationship feels to be such potent medicine for me and absolutely next level growth.

AD: Dream World: If you could, what would you… Delegate? Eliminate? Automate? Go all-in on?

AR: Love this question….I would definitely automate/delegate all of the technological related tasks and issues to someone else as it is not my forte. I also don’t love the marketing piece of running a business/being an entrepreneur, yet that has been something that has been difficult for me to completely delegate as my business is so personal. I would also delegate housework if I could.

I would eliminate hate and competition from the world. It breaks my heart to witness so much struggle in others…some is definitely self-imposed but the competition, especially amongst women, must stop as it is toxic and NO ONE “wins”. The hate that is emanating from the world is so sickening to me….it is heartbreaking to feel it and to know that this is the world we are raising our children in.  

I’m going ALL IN on the retreats I host as it is my love and passion to do so. I absolutely love running groups of any sort with women but the retreats are golden for me. They are a massive endeavor which is why I run 2 per year but fill my heart and soul in a way that nothing else does. The immense satisfaction that I feel witnessing women unwinding their systems and opening to new possibilities in safe, supportive community and witness is a profound honor.  

AD: Who has inspired you or helped you along the way? What would you recommend to people looking for a mentor?

AR: So many that it is not possible to name them all….happy to dive into a conversation about it though! Really started when I was about 20 when I found my first yoga teacher and progressed from there…

I would recommend trusting your intuition and inner guidance when you encounter women (or men) whom you are drawn to. It is crucially important to not be swayed by others opinions or agendas but to truly tune into yourself, what you are needing/looking for, and to open to who crosses your path in any given moment.

Catch the whole replay here:

Ashley does these interviews every week if you’re interested in similar interviews, follow her here: or check out past episodes:


Staying Upright in Life


Trust, Faith, and Right Timing