Focus on Possibilities...

I found writing this post to be challenging although my intuition was tugging at me to dive into this realm….hearing loud and clear that this message is needed right now.  This territory is certainly one that I work with daily as an entrepreneur, creative, guide, mother of a teenager in these wild times, and freshly partnered in my late 40s with a man in his late 40s (aka very much molded by life at this juncture!). 


I have started and restarted, scratched out and thrown out words and pages as they haven’t felt “right” in sharing. 


Yet, I keep coming back to the simplicity of this message while simultaneously recognizing the complexity of it.


Focus on what is working, not what isn’t.


Relating to this call to action can be confusing for those whom are focused on growing ourselves.  Are we settling or becoming complacent? Are we *not* challenging ourselves enough if we are just focusing on what is working and flowing and not pushing the envelope to do and be more and more and more? 


We know that what we focus on has the possibility of expanding, growing, opening, and inviting in new possibilities.  So, therefore, focusing on what is already working and allowing that to grow makes complete sense, right?


Yet, for many, it is difficult to put our energy on what is working when there are a gazillion of other “things” that perhaps are not how we necessarily want them to be. 


Be it our children’s behavior and choices (deep sigh here…), our mate’s consistent messes, our businesses perhaps not moving how we think they should…basically life’s components not feeling perfectly, lovely, and amazing in every moment (which, they never will!).


However, when we find ourselves solely focused on all that needs to improve, we may miss the gems of life that ARE working.  That are flowing. Those aspects, even if they are tiny moments or blips on the screen, that are electric in connection, yet, we perhaps don’t let ourselves feel or see or experience or LAND in them. 


Focusing on what you *cannot* (for whatever reason…)you *can* do, rather than what you you *can* do, is a set up for always feeling as though you cannot and will not have what you are needing/wanting/striving for/passionate about, etc etc….


Focusing on what *is not* working, rather than what *is* working…is a set up for always feeling drained and less than.


Asking yourself the question repeatedly: what can I do? (rather than the list of all that you cannot)…


There are always going to be those pieces of our lives that we want to enhance, improve, grow, change….always the things that we want or need….aspects of our relations and our lives on the whole that we want to improve or enhance.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with focusing our energy on growth, yet when we focus on the lack or all that is missing from our lives, then we send ourselves into a perpetual spin of lack.


I see it in my son regularly. He *needs* the particular shoes or hoodie or pants or….whatever the object is at the moment. He is obsessed with obtaining “it”, whatever the “it” is for the moment.  We talk about it, brainstorm the how and when we are able to possibly get it for him. We make it happen.


He is thrilled…for about a week… and then it’s onto the next thing that he *needs*! In his process he begins to exaserbate all that is actually wrong with his life, our financial situation, what we can and cannot do, buy, etc….and then the amazing shoes that he NEEDED have been forgotten.  The focus goes back to all that is “missing” or not working through his young, teenager eyes.


It's so symbolic to me of the bigger picture of this human life and how so many struggle with what they are focusing on….


The problems, the moments of struggle, what they need, what’s missing, what is broken, what the one “negative” comment of feedback received says rather than the positive, supportive one.


I always say to clients – “follow the breadcrumbs” – see what’s popping and follow that stream of energy.  Feeling into what feels aligned for you, in your body, in your heart, and from deep within your intuitive center. From that place where you just know.


Choosing to put our energy into what is *working* in our lives and allowing the energy to build. 


As humans it is so easy to focus on what is missing, lacking, not happening for us, etc….focusing on where the gaps are.  When we do that our energy is constantly pulled into that place.  It becomes a downward spiral and inadvertently can keep us spinning our wheels on a plane of “lack” or “less than or constantly longing for more. 


If we can consciously choose to shift our energy and focus onto what we already have, or what in our lives are flowing, or what aspects of our relationships we love and feel nourishing, or the areas in our work or jobs that feel spacious and inspiring and honoring….then we can grow and build from there. 


 In these days leading up to the long-awaited Spring Equinox, my invitation to you is to choose to focus on what is working in your life, rather than all that needs improvement.

Allow that to build and take new shape in the coming season.  See what happens, see what can be birthed from that shift in energy and perspective. 


I am right there with you!


Reach out anytime and let me know how you are doing and what you are growing in your life.  I always love hearing from you.


As always, if you are struggling and seeking support, I would be honored to connect. HERE is a link to schedule a free 20-minute clarity call.


Embrace Who You Are


Honor Your Past (but don't allow it to dictate who you are!)