Integration and Assimilation

Whether or not you believe in or resonate with astrology, the moon cycles, planetary shifts, and/or stars alignment, it is difficult to ignore the energetic pulls of life. The waves and ridges we are constantly riding and climbing. The varying textures of our life situations and all of the variables that come into play on a moment-by-moment, day-by-day basis. 


I am a believer and over the many years of inquiry have found that bringing consciousness to this attunement is a beautiful way of connecting deeper to oneself.


This moment in time is beckoning us into integration, into assimilation, into digestion of all of the swirls that have been looming in and around.


It is a time of rest. Of less is more. Of putting our self-care at the top of the “to do” list and giving ourselves permission to actually take those steps that we need to to bring ourselves into deeper alignment with our most authentic Selves. 


Our truth. Who we are…NOW…in this moment in time.


Simultaneously planting those seeds….quietly, mindfully, perhaps behind the scenes for awhile….and, cultivating that deep sense of trust as to exactly where we are along our unique path. And, where we are heading.


This process cannot be forced. It cannot be controlled or over-thought about or over-analyzed….


It is an experience of dropping our energy down into our bodies, doing whatever practices anchor us into our hearts, and working with the inevitable HUMAN monkey mind.


With consistency of practice and remembering the power of choice, we can learn how to move through the world from this place of integrated alignment.  This place of truth and authenticity.


We can learn how to allow things to be birthed in their exact right timing by softening and opening….rather than rigidly forcing.


So, without filling your beautiful heads with much more in this time of assimilation, I offer you an opportunity to perhaps do what you may not be accustomed to doing….


Rest and digest.

Soften and open.

Assimilate and integrate.

Empower yourselves to empty, rather than constantly filling.

Choose quiet over incessant outer noise.

Make your practices priority….for YOU.

Be mindful and present in every moment (to the best of your ability).

Allow and trust the unfolding of your magical life.


 I am committed to service of humanity and am always out here for support, connection, reflection, and with the pure desire to continually bridge the gaps in our keep things authentic, vulnerable, transparent, and REAL.

Reach out anytime.  

I always love hearing from you.

May we all hold each other in love and with deep compassion for this human ride of life. 






Tune In and Let Go


On Addiction