Trusting Intuitive Knowing

We never truly know what another human has been through….what their story is. Hosting the podcast, Embodied and Awake, is one channel for me to share these powerful stories with the world and to crack myself open to the layers of the human experience that are real and important to hear and feel.

What started out as a COVID project to keep me engaged with the outside world, has become a lifeline in so many other ways, feeding something deep within me and, I know, empowering those that I am blessed to interview in having a safe platform to share themselves with vulnerability and authenticity. 
I am also reminded of how impactful it is to “ask” someone questions about their lives. What they have been through...what the stepping stones along the way have been which have led them to this place...
I have an incredible episode for you this month that truly inspired and moved me in ways that I am still digesting. It left me in inquiry around trusting in our intuitive knowing and the power of the mind

How often do we ignore or discount our intuitive cries and messages? Do we really have a grasp on just how powerful our minds are?  What does trusting our intuitive knowing mean?  How can we trust in ourselves and our intuition?

In the most basic sense, it is a process of learning how to trust in yourself. Easier said than done, of course. 
Trusting our intuition demands courage. To choose to move through life from a place of intuitive knowing, rather than the whims of our mind, is foreign for many and can be very scary.

Yet, when we make it our practice, every single day, to drop our energy down into our bodies, tune into our hearts, and listen, we build muscles from deep within us that are formed from a place of intuitive knowing, faith, and trust in US. It is a complete paradigm shift in so many ways.

Trusting the heart, rather than the head. That deep well of inner knowing from our center, our core.
Trusting your body and the wisdom and information that is coming through you.
Keeping our energy moving…not allowing the backlog of energy and emotions. To clear the channels as needed through daily practices and with support. 
Taking those deep belly breaths and tuning into your heart. Putting your hands on your body…one hand on heart, one hand on belly. Feeling your heart beating beneath your hand, your breath pulsating and swirling. Getting yourself resourced, connected, and grounded.

And….trusting what bubbles up in you.

This is certainly pivotal in creating a sustainable, heart-full, and trusting relationship with ourselves, yet absolutely is not a one and done process.

It is a lifelong journey of unfolding, undoing, redoing, exploring, cultivating a sense of curiosity and openness, and, yes, TRUST....trusting the entire wide and windy road of this human experience.

With love, with compassion, and with an unwavering commitment to showing up for this precious life we have been given.
Every single day. 


And, a little personal share for you about this past week and my choice to *not* listen to my intuition:


I’ve been in a deep place of surrender this week… And the recognition that I made the choice to ignore my intuition, which inevitably led me to this place of needing to surrender. Always lessons to be learned in this life! 

I have been in PT for the past several months for a torn meniscus in my knee. I have been progressing beautifully and have been feeling so much stronger and more connected to my body. I have also been lightly training for a trail race that is set to happen at the end of this week in Vail. I have been really excited about it, and determined to train in a way that is healthy and balanced.

To note: I have a long standing history of over-exercising my body and spent nearly a decade in full on abuse mode of my body, which ended when I went to treatment at 23 years old. Fast forward till now approaching 50... naturally those voices still exist, yet I am very conscious and aware of their misaligned guidance . 

Well, last week I stumbled upon a 30 day challenge that offered simple 15 min workouts. My intuition was saying NO, yet my desire to be fit took the reins and became louder. So I signed up and started doing these little workouts. The first couple days were OK yet I could feel a grave disconnect from my body. I could feel that old voice and mentality surfacing around "just gotta do this, so I can be thin like the woman who was offering this", etc. At approx day 4, I felt something pop in my ankle… Yet, I continued on. That twinge in my ankle then moved up into my knee (the knee that I have been rehabbing) and by the end of that day I was in excruciating pain. 

My body completely broke down. Coupled with the physical pain, I also developed a cold… My first one in probably a year. So now here I sit, ankle elevated, popping Arnica, icing, eating chicken soup...having to pull the plug on this race that I was supposed to run and surrendering with appreciation for the wisdom of my body, and the deep intuition, that I hold, even in those moments when I choose to ignore. 

May this story be a lesson and opportunity for us ALL to TRUST our intuition. She never lies. 
As always, I am out here for support and/or connection. Please reach out anytime by responding to this email or setting up a 20-minute connect timeI love hearing from you! 

Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other. 


When we are real, we heal.


Pleasure, Appreciation, and the "Should's"