Flowing from Within

Happy official new season of magical Autumn!

As the leaves slowly begin to change, the days becoming visibly shorter and the mornings and evenings chillier, there is the natural pull to begin to turn inward.
To begin the journey of cultivating, integrating, and preparing for the cold, dark months.
It is also a time of focusing on what you are letting go of…what you are releasing. This can be literal things, people/relationships, ways of talking to yourself, foods that are causing harm to your body, patterns of living and being….anything that has expired in your life and is ready to release.
As the leaves begin to change colors and fall to the ground, so too can we change from within and release what no longer is serving us. We have the opportunity to recalibrate our inner compass towards true alignment on an embodied level.
What does this mean? This means that we begin to learn how to drop deeply down into our bodies and move through our lives guided by that anchor from within us. We are guided from our root, our foundation, our base…
We can begin to learn how to flow from within our own selves rather than being jerked around, yanked around, pushed and pulled from the outside world.  This is not a one-and-done process, but rather an evolution of our unfolding, and becoming deeper and deeper attuned to exactly who we are and what is in integrity with our truest selves
The week before the Fall Equinox officially transpired, we had a major crisis in our household with the teenager. Major. High trauma and drama. Terrain that I had no clue how to navigate nor did I ever imagine I ever would have to navigate it.
In midst of the swirls of shock, of utter disbelief, of anger, of deep sadness, of confusion, of desperation… I had to learn how to anchor myself and trust in my inner knowing and inner flow.

I had to dig deep into my own well of connection to myself, built over decades of exploration, while navigating this and simultaneously a plethora of expensive items that needed to be dealt with as a result of this event, and preparing for my fall equinox women’s event while getting my son ready for a mountain bike race, and the day-to-day work and home responsibilities.
It was a big one.  
I had to slow way down and really drop into my own inner flow. Tending to what I needed in each moment while also meeting all of my responsibilities, both personal and professional. I feel as though that practice alone helped me to not only navigate those waters gracefully, but propel me to the other side…feeling more integrated in my own truth, my own power, and my own inner knowing.
This feels parallel to what is being pumped into the system of the collective on the whole with this change of seasons. We are, indeed, either by force, by choice, by circumstance, or by impulse being propelled towards our own selves. Towards our own truest, most aligned path of living and being and relating and operating. Are you feeling this?
To me, this journey home…towards pure intimacy with ourselves, towards an unwavering connection from within, towards our unabashed human selves…is what it’s all about.

When we have built, shaped, cultivated, and accessed this muscle of knowing from deep within us, we are able to meet the rest of the world, our closest people, the-sometimes-treacherous human terrain, and our lives on the whole with integrity, with alignment, and with an embodied sense of who we are.
Trust yourselves and your inner guide and path of knowing.
Turn within and listen to what your inner stirrings are speaking.
Stay humble and awake to the world around you.
Be kind and loving with your beautiful self and this wild human journey you are on.
Soften your hearts in compassion to oneself and our fellow humans.
I share this message today with you all from my own vulnerable and humbled human self, with a cracked open heart and a newfound appreciation for real human interactions and connection. I hope that it finds some resonance in your own hearts.
How does this message land for you? I always love hearing from you and am out here for support and/or connection.


Prayers for Peace


Acceptance of Self and Each Other