Turning Within

Happy Fall!!

As the seasons of life turn, so to do our opportunities for deepening in our inner work and relationship to ourselves.


This time of transition beckons our gaze inward, ushering our bodies towards preservation in preparation for the colder, darker time of year. It offers us the platform to create new ground in our own unique ways.


I personally love this time of year. The passage from the heat and expansiveness of Summer towards the calm, cool, nourishment of Fall brings a sense of peace to my system. 


The smell and feel of the air, the colors, and the energy of these months certainly infuses my being with a sense of calm, trust, and new possibility.


There is an innate pull inward – a sense of permission to wrap oneself in nourishment -- extra clothes, blankets, warm teas, yummy people, nourishing foods...


It can also be a time of feeling grief as Fall brings with it the culmination of the play and fun of the Summer in anticipation of what is to come in the hibernation of Winter. As the leaves release their leaves, so to can we let go of and release that which no longer serves us and our lives on every level.


Fall is a time of cultivating new ground in ourselves and in our lives. As a crucial part of the cyclical nature of the seasons, Fall is a time of honoring change and letting go of what no longer is in alignment and integrity with you and where you are now.  We are ever-changing beings and must be in recognition of this as we approach ourselves at each turn of life. 


All of it can be welcomed in our human experiences as a part of attuning to ourselves and the varying energies of the seasons. 


This is a natural time to turn within….to slow things down and begin our own unique journey of incubation for the colder, darker months.


It is also a wonderful time for self-reflection on every level.   A time to offer gratitude for all that came to be this Summer (even the harder stuff!), so that we may release the season with consciousness and pivot towards Fall (and Winter…) with presence and clarity. 


Along with the change of seasons, our self-care practices must shift as well. 


Attuning deeply to our bodies provides the platform for connection on every level. 


Here are some suggestions:


Food: Cooler temperatures call for richer and more grounding foods (think bone broths and root veggies).  I always suggest visiting your local farmers market and eating in season with what the farms in your area are growing.


Movement: Our bodies need different forms of movement in honoring this time as well. It is a wonderful time for long walks in the changing trees, restorative yoga, mindful dance and movement.  Anything that feels nourishing and connecting to your body will support this transition on an embodied and aligned level.   


Rest:  There is something very powerful about attuning to the suns journey.  Beginning to wind down earlier as the sun descends earlier. Rising with the sun (or before!) and sitting in meditation.  Honoring that there can be a natural exhaustion at this time of year, coming off of the expansive Summer months, the start of school, etc….This is not the time to push, but rather the time to rest and restore.  Your immune system will thank you!


Writing and Reflection: It is also an opportunity to turn within and evaluate what needs to change in your life, in your relationships, in your home, in your work, in your way of living and being on the whole.  Spending time free-writing and reflecting can be supportive in navigating these moments with presence and a connection to oneself.



This is not a hall pass to be judgmental or harsh with ourselves, but rather to soften and open our hearts with compassion for who we are and the journey we have been on.  To offer the recognition and acknowledgment of how far we have come and to remember that human growth and evolution is a journey with no end point. 


There is always work to be done.  Always ways of improving, fine-tuning, tweaking, and actualizing more of the most authentic and aligned truth of who we are NOW. 


Remember to pace yourselves…..there is no rush – we cannot sprint through our process!


Wherever this time of year finds you, may you access a deeper layer of yourself so as to continue in your evolution as a beautiful human navigating this wild human life. 


Tap into the medicine of these times. 


And, as always, if you are struggling, please reach out for support.


I am here. 





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