Mindfulness, Motherhood, and Milestones

Living a life of alignment, of truth, of integrity, of wholeness, and of authenticity feels to be brimming in so many during these transformational times.  
A path and journey with no end point, that is clear. It is a constant dance of inquiry and exploration which brings us closer to our essence so that we may, step-by-step, begin to move through our lives from that place of integration.
How can we bring these qualities into our existence in all of our ways of interacting with and through the world? Personally, professionally, at home with children and partners, in our interactions with family members, and into our communities?
I know for so many entrepreneurs and humans on the whole, this is the ultimate goal. 
How can we remain steady in who we are while showing up in the world, sharing our hearts, bearing our souls, and shedding light in the crevices of our humanness in all of the flavors and textures? 
This week’s inquiry has been a dive into the waters of mindfulness and, to me, integrity and alignment in both one’s personal life and professional reach.
The May episode of my podcast, Embodied and Awake, is a beautiful and real conversation with a lovely woman I am blessed to have crossed paths with, Maggie Gentry.  She is all about mindful marketing as entrepreneurs and really, to me, this translates into how we are living our lives on the whole.
Are we being real, vulnerable, and authentic?
Are we sharing ourselves from a place of genuineness?
What is our goal in connecting with others?
Is it self-fulfilling or are we actually wanting to impact the world in a positive and human way?
This week was also a milestone in my family life with my baby turning 14. He is also transitioning out of the pangs and awkwardness of middle school into a big high schooler!

It has been a deep time of reflection for me on this journey of motherhood and in relationship to alignment, truth, and authenticity. 
As some of you know, Kai and I were on our own for a solid 11 years. I think often of those years and how truly hard they were on so many levels. It was very difficult for me to remain in integrity with who I am as I was spread ridiculously thin and felt as though I was running on fumes.
I felt separate and segregated much of Kai’s childhood and my mission became to cultivate ground in the groundless and ever-changing challenges of this situation and authentic connections as that was a tremendous void in my reality. I worked hard to do so…to create that ground from within and to draw into life that level of intimate relatability that I was craving all those years.
Those years were pivotal in informing how I show up for life, for my work, for others, for the greater good.  My level of compassion and empathy for the human experience of living and, especially in the struggles that many navigate, were birthed from my years of solo mothering.
Now, nearly a decade and a half since first experiencing the influence of motherhood up to this moment of raising a full-on, taller-than-me teenager, I find myself in a daily questioning of how to stay consistent in who I am both at home in my sweats doing the humble work of mothering, partnering, and homesteading…and out in the world as a professional.
How to stay human, real, accountable and connected from my most authentic, aligned, and truthful Self?
Perhaps you are feeling these stirrings too as we collectively step more and more into these new realms of existing. May my words touch you in some way to help you feel less alone on your journey of being a human.
As always, I am out here for connection, support, or just to say hello! 
 Reach out anytime.  

I always love hearing from you.

May we all hold each other in love and with deep compassion for this human ride of life. 


Out of the Head. Into the Body.


Tune In and Let Go