Summer Solstice Reflections

A short note this week to wish you all a beautiful Summer Solstice!

The official beginning of summer and the peak of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere brings with it a potent energy of creation. It is a wonderful opportunity to be in honor, in celebration, in recognition of all of the seeds that you planted this past winter, that which you took action on this spring, and now in the summer allowing patience and levity to reign.
To invite in spaciousness and play and connection and trust that all that you have been cultivating is being uncovered in the exact right timing.
As I am always striving to practice what I preach, my energy is pulled towards family needs this summer (my son is gearing up for a very exciting, life-changing 2-week Outward Bound experience!), supporting clients, and getting ready for our annual MidSummer Women’s Wellness Retreat next month (while trying to squeeze in some fun and adventure!), my notes to you in the coming weeks may be a bit shorter, yet hopefully impactful.
I simultaneously am in the creation process behind the scenes of some powerful new offerings beginning in September including a new round of The Acceptance Circle (virtual only > for women of all ages > link to register is LIVE) as well as my newest therapeutic coaching program, Awakening in Midlife (both an in person and virtual option > for women 40-55 > link to register coming very soon).

I have found more and more over the years that the combination of the group sessions with the 1:1 work with me magnifies the healing journey. I am very excited to continue to evolve in offering these transformational experiences!
As we collectively embark upon these summer months, may we remember that connection is key for our evolution. That cultivating moments of joy and adventure are essential to our heart’s fulfillment. And, that unplugging on occasion in order to plug IN is a gift to our soul’s path of growth and expansion.
Soften into this expansive time.
Connect with your fellow humans to fill your heart and soul with nourishment and joy.
Be open to breakthrough moments.
Trust the journey.
Soak up the light!
Slow down and savor the simple pleasures in life.
Perhaps reach out to someone you haven’t connected with in a long time, just to say hello with no agenda.
Try something you don’t normally do.
Bring in more creativity.
Set some inner and outer boundaries for yourself.
Create the intention of *enjoying* the summer whatever that looks and feels like for you.

 Solstice Blessings to All!


To Pause and Acclimate


When we are real, we heal.