To Pause and Acclimate

Happy July! And, just like that we have crossed the threshold into the second half of yet another deeply transformational year.

I hope that you were able to carve out some time over the long holiday weekend for fun, relaxation, pleasure, and heart and soul-filled connections.
The phrase, “This is who I am now”, has been ruminating in me for the past few weeks. It feels to me to be an all-encompassing recognition of the profound evolution that so many are experiencing.
Everyone is changing. There is a deep level of curiosity and questioning swirling with many courageous humans diving into this inquiry to create changes within themselves and their personal worlds. 
These times are powerfully propelling so many into new realms of living and being and existing and ridges of possibility are emerging in how we show up in the world on the whole.
It is exciting, scary, and uncomfortable in moments....foreign for many, yet the underlying energy is that these changes are NEEDED and non-negotiable.
And, it’s OK to pause, to digest, and acclimate all of the changes that we have collectively been through.
To keep the pulse of truth alive from the most authentic place within us, demands pacing.
Not with force, but rather we can learn how to keep our attention on our own internal process while simultaneously gauging our output.
The constant and incessant noise of the outer world can be overstimulating, confusing, and muddy the waters of our inner worlds. It is crucial to carve out time away from screens, from social media, and from the consistent outside input. Time to tune in to oneself uninhibited by influences.
To become so intimately connected to oneself and the inner truth that is burning alive within each of us. The answers, wisdom, information, next steps….all of it….is right there….we must learn to turn within and trust what emerges.
Especially in midst of this more outward time of year, may we remember to cultivate those moments of quiet attunement, of solitude, and of self-inquiry so as to continuously build our own voices of truth from deep within the vessel of our bodies and hearts.
This is who I am now.
Say this to yourself and infuse your body with that breath of possibility...of transformation...of change...of stepping forward towards a new reality of existing.
Notice in your body how you feel when you say this phrase to yourself. Do you feel spacious and relaxed? Tense and contracted? Does this feel true and aligned? Can you sense yourself moving more upright in your integrity?
You are allowed to grow, change, shift, morph, and become unrecognizable to's OK to grow in ways that others don't understand. We are meant to evolve as humans.
Surrender to this process of change....step more fully into your truth every moment of every day....TRUST yourselves and your unique path.
And, pace yourselves. Pause when needed. Allow yourselves the time and space to acclimate the changes that you are experiencing. Give yourselves permission to BE exactly where you are, now, in this moment. Ride the waves of transformation with presence, compassion, and unwavering love for your precious selves.
There is so much possibility for expansion and growth and change and evolution within each and every one of us. It is my deepest honor to usher humanity through this portal of BECOMING one breath and moment at a time.

As always, I am out here for support and/or connection. Please reach out anytime by responding to this email or setting up a 20-minute connect time. I love hearing from you! 

Take good care of yourselves and be kind to each other. 


Sharing Ourselves in Safety


Summer Solstice Reflections