Anchoring Ourselves in Life

Last week’s once-in-a-blue Full Moon in Aquarius (will not happen again until 2037!) bookended yet another intense month of being alive in these times for so many.

The energies continue to swirl as we are asked to claim more and more of who we are, today, in these uncertain and wild times and anchor ourselves in our bodies so as to continue to navigate the unfolding of life as it is now.
As we now collectively pivot towards a more grounded time of year, the magnificence of Autumn (my favorite!), it is time to shift gears from within ourselves so as to meet this transition with presence, embodied alignment…upright in our true selves while integrating all of the many lessons and experiences gleaned in the heat of the Summer.
Planetary-wise, we are deep into "retrograde season" (aka most of the planets are spinning backwards!), so we are being called to truly slow down and bring mindfulness into our moments of life. As the energies of Autumn begin to pull, we are also being given the invitation to start to release what no longer serves, on every level.
Sometimes we don’t know exactly that is and instead it may show up as tension in our bodies or emotions pouring out of us at seemingly random moments. Wherever this energy has landed for you….trust where you are.
There is a deep re-organization happening within each and every one of us on many levels…some of which have no words to describe. We can feel the swirls from within…this can show up as feeling foggy or disoriented, overwhelmed or anxious for no apparent reason, disruption of sleep, digestive challenges, lethargy and exhaustion, and/or feeling flat and uninterested in what once lit us up.
This is where our practices come in and become anchors in the swirls of uncertainty. I recognize that I have been saying some version of this message for the past many years, however, each pivot has a different quality and a different call to action.

I believe healing happens in layers and this feels like another layer, a deepening and a true paradigm shift.
It is an opportunity to finally really, truly release old, outdated, and debilitating patterns, stories, and messages that have been looping in us and do not serve. We can begin to get grounded as to next steps. As to what it is we want to bring into our lives. To allow our intuition, our hearts, and our bodies to lead the way, getting out of our heads and following that thread of knowing on an embodied, aligned, and integral level…
If things feel hard, lean into them. Turn towards what it is, rather than avoiding it.
Invite the energy to shift on any embodied level. When we begin to create shifts from within, on a cellular level, things start changing.
This is a time to be gentle with yourselves, to truly befriend all aspects of who you are and your unique imprint in this precious life that you are living.

The invitation is to perhaps, stop *thinking* about your life and all of the stories that you have running through your head on repeat, and instead cultivate the courage to actually inhabit it.

To live it.
To feel your life with your full self...body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul.
To cultivate presence in the moment without the distractions and coping mechanisms of numbing that perhaps are at the forefront of how you "normally" move through life.

To have the courage to hit the pause button, to take some deep breaths and just allow yourself to BE without trying to manipulate or change yourself.
We need to be active participants in our own healing. No one can do this work for us and it will not just happen on its own.
It takes practice, diligence, and an unwavering belief in our worthiness and who we are.
And...we forget at times. But...those moments of remembering are gold along the path.
Wherever this message finds you along the spectrum of living, of healing, of connecting, of relating, of collapsing, of awakening….every step along the way is important.
There is so much support for you if you are struggling.
Yes, definitely we need guides at moments of our lives. Yet, I believe that the answers do lie within each and every one of us, sometimes they become buried in the muck of decades of living and experiencing.
I feel that my “job” is to remind you of who you are through various somatically-based methodologies, supportive practices, and even through my writing.

May you have a moment of spaciousness, of awakening to your unique and powerful essence, of remembering who you truly are. May you anchor that moment in your body and allow it to circulate and build and become embedded in your tissues so as to resource yourself in those moments when you forget.


I am always out here for support and guidance. Book a Clarity Call HERE and let’s see if diving in together feels aligned for your healing journey.


Patience With Your Process


Extracting oneself from a negative spiral…