Patience With Your Process

This week I offer you a short and sweet reminder that space is productive and life-enhancing.


There is so much unknown…so many find themselves in the swirls of uncertainty…that liminal place in the birthing process. Not quite out into the light, but also (definitely!) not at the beginning of conception.


This is *not* a problem, unless we make it out to be. When we can learn to allow the space, embrace the unknown, surrender into what is, right now, in this moment…that is when we are able to soften into our process of growth and healing.

That is when we can find ourselves in alignment with our truth and can begin to uncover our most authentic path forward.


Moment-by-moment, step-by-step…


Trusting. Breathing. Allowing….with patience and presence and grounded equanimity.


In midst of this transitional time, it is a wonderful opportunity to take a look at how we are using our time, energy, resources, and love.


Are we making choices that are in alignment for us, now?

Are the relationships in our lives reciprocal or more one sided?

What communities and/or connections feed your creativity and inspiration and what drains you?

Are we spending our resources on things that enhance life and bring more value? Are they essential or frivolous?

How are we utilizing our precious energy? Too much social media scrolling? Not enough self-care? Where is the balance?


To be clear, this is not a time to be judgmental! It is simply an invitation to be in inquiry and, to perhaps, begin to create some new pathways in your life. To shift in your priorities and to slowly begin to open up new channels of living, being, relating, and existing on the whole.


You are allowed to change!

Embrace the journey.

Be patient with yourself and your unique process of life.


Acceptance of Self and Each Other


Anchoring Ourselves in Life